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Any simple ways of using FME to return all duplicates? The duplicate remover passes the 1st instance of a duplicate to the unique port but I would like a list of all records where the attribute isn't unique in the table.



have you looked at the Duplicates output port of the DuplicateRemover?



From the help: "The first feature with a unique key value is output via the UNIQUE port – and subsequent features that have the same key value are output via the DUPLICATE port."



It should give you all the duplicate features. Or am I missing something here?



You're missing something :-)



If for example you have 3 features with a value of  ABC



The first feature to pass through the duplicate remover is output via the unique port and the second and third features are output via the duplicate port. I want to be able to see all 3 features with the value ABC, not just the 2 output as duplicates.



Matcher transformer might help you.



Matcher transformer does the job nicely, thanks.



Never appreciated that you could use the matcher to match within a table, I always thought it was just for matching two separate inputs.
