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I have 2  coordinates in Denizli,Turkey . I have lang  and long. 

Sample 2 coordinates :

U1  37.787464°  28.780846°

U2  37.751292° 28.864560°

 I use reprojector transformers convert the data wgs84 to ed50turkey. I use EPSG:4326 and EPSG:23035 .It converted wrong coordinate. 


The true coordinate of ED50 Turkey : 


U1 656858.976    4183906.006

U2 664311.027    4180035.990


Thank you!


If you think something is wrong with the software, I believe you should submit a ticket at Safe software.

This is mainly a user forum, where FME entheusiasts are trying to help each other, but we can’t fix the software.

If you think something is wrong with the software, I believe you should submit a ticket at Safe software.

This is mainly a user forum, where FME entheusiasts are trying to help each other, but we can’t fix the software.

I think the problem is not with the software but with the datums used, and I wanted to get information from the forum first to see if anyone has encountered such problems and solved them. Because datum parameters can be defined and those who have detailed knowledge about this can solve this problem.
