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Hi there,

I have some geometry correction problem..maybe you have some idea to help...

I have two polygon layers (blue and red). The blue layer (in this example a poylgon with 4 vertices) is the reference layer and is not allowed to be changed. The red layer (a polygon with 6 vertices) has been digitized on top of the blue layer, the vertices of the red layer have been snapped to the blue one. Unfortunately there have been added some additional unneccesary vertices in the red layer. Hmmm, how can I remove those vertices if there are within a certain distance of the underlying segment?

You could use an AnchoredSnaper (underlying polygon is the anchor) set to "Segment snapping", then use a Generalizer to get rid of the unnecessary vertices.

@stefangiese - suggest you try the 'Thin' algorithm in the generalizer,.. from the help: "The Thin algorithm will remove vertices that are less than the Generalization Tolerance distance away from an adjacent vertex. "
