Hi, I'm running a large workbench that I can't seem to troubleshoot as I'm getting the following on the log as per below. It runs fine on different smaller test batches, but upon running on the actual dataset it seems to crash or stop. Is there a way to override if there is a single file that is breaking the process? Log below.
Thanks for the assistance (happy to include more files if need be).
ListExploder (ElementFactory): Processed 7927 elements
Creating reader for format: Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF
Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `ACAD'
ACAD_1 Reader: Using rich geometry.
AutoCAD Reader: Successfully opened file xyz etc....
AutoCAD Reader: Renamed attribute 'Sign Type' to 'Sign_Type' to remove the following invalid characters '<>/\\&$|:!~ ()"@'
Error running translation.