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Hi dears,   I having problems with the FME universal Viewer, the program does not open, either directly, or by entering an "inspector" in the workflow, I uninstalled version 2011 of FME and installed the 2013 and not successful.     Thanks in advance.


  Kind regards.





Do you get an error message? Have you tried to restart the Computer? Have you tried to open "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME_2013\\fmeview.exe" directly?



you could  also check the registry under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Classes\\Applications\\fmeview.exe\\shell\\open\\command" and "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Applications\\fmeview.exe\\shell\\open\\command" to verify that the path is pointing at an exisiting version of fmeview.exe, and not the one that you uninstalled.



Hi dears,



No error message occurs, the software opens, is on the taskbar but clicking it does not "maximize", does not open! Already uninstalled and restart FME 2011 and installed in 2013 and error continues. If you try to directly executable by the error persists.



 If I want to open the Universal Viewer outside or on the fme workbench happens the same error above.



I'll check the registry.



Thanks in advance.



Kind regards.



Ramon Rocha






