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I have lines , I have used coordinator extractor with index 0 , coordinate extractor with index 1

so I got start point and end point for each line .

but I have still few lines ,although I see them in inspector as lines but the coordinates that I extracted for each line of them by coordinate extractor transformer ,has same coordinate for start and the same coordinate for end of line as attributes

what is the reason of that ?how could I get coordinate of start Point and end point for theses few lines but it should has different geometry in start rather than end

FME 2021

Thanks for help

The index to use for the last coordinate in a line is -1


If you still encounter lines where the start and end coordinates are off, you should inspect them with the "Feature Information" panel in Visual Preview. At the bottom it will display the list of coordinates for that geometry so you can check it.

The index to use for the last coordinate in a line is -1


If you still encounter lines where the start and end coordinates are off, you should inspect them with the "Feature Information" panel in Visual Preview. At the bottom it will display the list of coordinates for that geometry so you can check it.

Thanks a lot ,it helps me .

My data of line has only two coordinates ,start point and end point ,so I have used chopper to convert line to points but how could I create index and save it as attribute to know ,which start point then all points coordinates till reach the end point .

Start and End Coordinate Extractor
