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I have been trying to connect points to create lines but cannot seem to do it in either pointconnector or featuremerger.



My file has the following:














These records have duplicates where the From and To Node are reversed so you would have a duplicate going from to and to from.



I set the Feature Merger to Attributes and Geometry -build lines from points, the requestor is from the 2d point replacer as is the supplier (from same 2d point replacer transformer).  I also tried pointconnector using UNIQUEID as the break.  The former just produces points while the latter retrieves 0 records.



Any help would be appreciated.










is UNIQUEID unique for each point or for each line? It must be unique for each line for it to be useful for the PointConnector, i.e. there must be at least 2 points with the same value for UNIQUEID.



Remember that the FeatureMerger will only build lines out of the supplier point features, not the requestor. So you would need a 2DPointReplacer before the Requestor input as well, if you are to go down that path.



If you still cannot get it to work, please consider posting a screenshot of your process here. It is much easier to give advice specific when we can see what you are doing.






as a supplement: note the PointConnector connects input points in the order of entering, so you have to input the 2 points (i.e. From and To node) to the PointConnector consecutively. If the order of points is not so, consider using the Sorter before connecting.


Anyway we need more information about your current workflow to find a suitable solution, have to wait the next post.





Very briefly......


It sounds like your table also needs a line_id.


This will tell each point which line it belongs to.




The use point connector and break on line_id




You may want to also use a sorter to reorder your points before using point connector so that the points are connected in the correct order.




Hope this helps


Got the lines thanks for everyones help, much appreciated

can anyone just show with screen shots how to create a "D square polygon from 4 points in 2D? Seems simple but I cant find a simple example

