Hi, I have features about vegetation observations with many attributes like Date, ObservationId, Latitude, Longitude, IdTaxon and IdTaxCompl.
I did the following workflow obtaining successful results: 1) buffer features to a specific distance; 2) Dissolve buffered features grouped by IdTaxon (obtaining what I call "stations"); 3) Renamed IdTaxon to sIdTaxon on the Dissolver resultant table; 4) Add a UniqueID for each station; 5) using a combination of PointOnAreaOverlayer, ListExploder and TestFilter I manage to join the corresponding StationId to the original observations table. To do this I set up PointOnAreadOverlayer to produce a list On Output 'Point' with the selected attributes "_ulid" and "sIdTaxon". I need the exploded list because observations of one species may also intersect stations from other species (so my TestFilter select the overlayed data using the condition "IdTaxon like sIdTaxon".
My problem is that alternatively, I'd need to do the same analysis but grouping by IdTaxCompl.
The choise of analysis type (grouping attribute) will be stored in a user parameter (groupTaxa).
I've managed to set up the dissolver to group by "$(groupTaxa)". Using BulkAttributeRenamer I'm able to prefix the used attribute with "s". And UniqueIdentifierGenerator works fine no mater which grouping attribute I use.
The problem is that I'm not being able to configure PointOnAreaOverlayer, the generated list on output point should select _ulid values from the station layer but also either sTaxIdCompl or sTaxonId values. Any clues? Please.