I have some data in text files that may contain both points and lines. Each line contains a code and either a sub-code or a coordinate set:
05 1 2302 6826513.392 548235.740 257.374
05 31 2302 6826704.339 548284.671 275.511
09 91
05 1 2302 6826513.392 548235.740 257.374
05 2 2302 6826518.762 548233.548 257.950
05 3 2302 6826525.326 548234.694 258.184
05 4 2302 6826532.691 548235.254 258.606
09 99
The first column is the first code, '05' is always followed by a coordinate, '09' is always followed by a sub-code: '09 91' defines start of a line, '09 99' defines end of a line. So the short example above contains two points and a polyline with four vertices.
Any suggestions on how I can turn this text file into two points and a polyline?
I have a python script that can handle the parsing, but I was wondering if there is a better way to do this in FME rather than plug the script into the pythoncaller.