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I have lines and their vertices should be written to XML (using XSD-driven XML-Writer).
I extract the vertices coordinates into lists using the “coordinate extractor” .

Now I need to find a way to output those coordinate pairs to xml, so that the output looks like this:

Is there a way using the “list concatenator”?

Hello @reservoirdog, how is the data coming into FME Form? What does the source data look like? Would it be possible to concatenate these values in an AttributeManager before sending data to the writer? Alternatively, if the schema expects a xml_buffer, you could try to explode the list (ListExploder) to structure the XML yourself in a XMLTemplater. Hope this helps, Kailin!

Hi @kailinatsafe and Thanks for your inputs. Data is coming from Oracle Spatial as Polylines.

The solution in the end was quite simple:

I had to rename the lists using the “ListRenamer”, this had to be done for x as well as y.

Renaming the lists created by coordinate extractor


No further steps were necessary to output these to the corresponding Attributes (childs) of my XML-Object:


@reservoirdog so glad you got it working - thank you for the update!😊
