I've styled topo_line using FME before. I will see if I can dig out some details tomorrow.
I recently finished a project styling up Mastermap. There may be better ways to do it but I just used the below transformers for styling.
Attribute filters > DWG Styler > DWG Writer
I had several attribute ffilters for selecting "featurecode", then "descriptivegroup". and "make" (if required). I also used an autoCAD template file in which I created autoCAD blocks (for use as symbols) and linetypes e.g dashed lines
I also had to put in a section at the start of the project to make sure the drawing levels were sorted for correct viewing in Autocad.
Thanks both for the comments, really useful.
EGomm - if you could find the topo_line details that would be perfect!
I used multiple testers to split the data up by the fields DescriptiveGroup/DescriptiveTerm/Make as described in the Mastermap Technical Specification
http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-and-government/help-and-support/products/topography-layer.html Chapter 10, then using the MapInfo Styler to set the colours to those also specified in the document, and wrote to .tab files.
This has given me line styles and polygon fill colours (this worked fine although I dont know if there is a better way of doing this as it took a long time to write)
Unfortunately I have not yet worked out how to style using the symbols for the Point and Symbol layers nor how to use the symbol fills (such as forest, marsh etc) for the 'Natural Environment' types. I would appreciate any help with this.