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I have a center line...i want to have buffer polygons 100m each right and left...but they have to be single polygons which every of them is 100m i need one 100m right, 200m right, and so on but every of them have to be 100m in

Multibufferer brings me the right target but the transformer gives me donut geometry with a polygon right one left and a line which connect both of whats the process when i want this....


or is another transformer better?

The MultiBufferer has a parameter "Create Donuts", it defaults to 1 which means it will create donuts. Set it to 0 to not have it do that.

Hope this helps.

ok...i recognize this...but the result is the same....see screenshot...maybe i can get no more logical result of this....but how can i delete this lines which combine this area right and area left?....see screenshot



ok...i recognize this...but the result is the same....see screenshot...maybe i can get no more logical result of this....but how can i delete this lines which combine this area right and area left?....see screenshot



Can you share your MultiBufferer settings? I can't seem to reproduce this behaviour. Is this the output from the MultiBufferer or did you add other transformers?



sry my fault....screenshot 1 was with donuts but i need more this result without these lines then the result of the donut (0) settings....see screenshot here because i need an single polygon left and a single right

screenshot with donut(0)...sry my fault

sry my fault....screenshot 1 was with donuts but i need more this result without these lines then the result of the donut (0) settings....see screenshot here because i need an single polygon left and a single right

screenshot with donut(0)...sry my fault

Okay, try this:


The key is that you do make donuts but then through intersecting those with the original line and building areas from the result you get your individual left/right areas.


