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Missing polygons when converting CAD hatches to polygons,



I have already reported this issue multiple times but with now robust solution. FME doesn’t read precisely what we see visually on the CAD file. Yes, I agree that our hatches could be “dirty” but at the end of the day they are recognized to be hatches in the AutoCAD. The issue here that we have tens of the CAD files that we need to convert their hatches to polygon.



I have applied the workbench below to convert the hatches of AutoCAD to polygons.









The result shows that a polygon is missed




CAD file:



What might be the issue here?



Thank you






Hi Jamal,



There are many overlapped polygons. You can see them on Data Inspector with transparent drawing style.




Takashi is right,..



Jamal - There is a boundary polygon that masks the smaller areas beneath it. try to move it to s different layer in your AutoCAD dwg file. Once you remove it, your file is fine. I updated the script that I'm sharing with you to sort this out.






As we install the Oracle Client 23 bits, we should have




Correct. This is precisely my issue. As I check my drawing in the AutoCAD, there is no such overlap. At least, physically it is not there. Then I have no way to delete this overlap from the AutoCAD as it appears to be clean. Now, in the FME, it says that there is an overlap.



The screenshot below shows how visually the CAD file is




In the FME inspectors, it shows that there is an overlap!





However, what is the best command in the FME that might remove the overlap?
Thanks Sami,



Now, the CAD file below contains ONLY the Landuse hatches. In the AutoCAD, I can’t find the boundary polygon. Nevertheless, the FME doesn’t convert the hatches to polygons correctly.



at least, in the AutoCAD, I can’t see the boundary polygon.



If it does not show in Autocad it does not mean it is not there. I think this has been hinted at a lot of times now.



There can be different reasons for the objects not showing.


Like layers states, filters, bindings etc.


When a complex file is being "handpurged", meaning select and delete, or layers are been tried to removed. The structure of such a file might get messed up.


This can lead to "invisible" objects.


Sometimes hard to remove.


If the purge command (you do know this command, yes?) does not work and selctionregimes are also not sufficient (select by color, by geometry,etc) there are a couple of scipts for autocad to do such removes.





Thank you very much GIO for the input.



This is what causes a headache. Objects that are invisible in the AutoCAD and visible in the FME.



Then how to delete objects that I don’t see?



Sure, I know the “purge” command. The last CAD file that has a problem (its link is provided in the previous post) is really clean in terms of purge as it is shown in the screenshots below:







I have been working with AutoCAD since long time ago and I never know that there are invisible objects that I can’t see! The only way to hide objects in the AutoCAD is to turn their layer OFF.




If I’m able to see in the AutoCAD what I see in the FME then a lot of my issues will be resolved.



Is there really a way? By which tools?
Hi Jamal,



Some complex Lisp scripts on the net to get rid of recalcitrant objects.



Using fme is easier i think:


You can expose in fme on the autocadreader "autocad_entity_handle" and test for the value u see in the fme-data inspector. In my case the object had value "A5A1D"



I have not figured out (yet) how to do this (select by handle) in autocad..










Me again,



I think the object is corrupted, therefore not showing up.



If u do the selct lips and then use recreate boundary, the object does show up. But it looks like this.




The brown section.



If you selct it you see this!






reason for the erroneous object is a not well aligned areaboundary, btw.



It is not corrupt in the sense that the AUDIT command recognizes it as a bad object. The object is basically valid, just a bit clumsy.
Sorry but I couldn’t use the command that you have already provided to select and then delete the “dirty” objects.



I couldn’t figure out how to use the select\\handent commands to delete the dirty objects.








Also, as you have already indicated, the “recover” command in the AutoCAD has no effect to remove these dirty objects.








at the end, there are no "direct" commands neither in the AutoCAD nor in FME to take care of these "dirty" objects.
Hi Jamal,




first of all: yes there are ways to do it. I posted how. I even inserted images.



You need to enter those command on the commandline



command line:


1 ._select  


2. (handent "handle_entity")  ---> i entered: (handent "A5A1D") 



(where handle_entity = "A5A1D" u can look up id in fme datainspector))



If u then rebuild boundary (hatch menu) The object becomes selectable by mouse.






Another well kown technique for removing invisible objects is mouse copy all to new dataset. Invisibles will not be selected. Popular solution, you can find it on all over the internet.










Thank you very much GIO for the very valuable answer. Now, I can catch the invisible objects in the AutoCAD.



Very much appreciated
















other example: