
Maximal rectangle

  • 12 February 2015
  • 2 replies

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  • Contributor
  • 1961 replies
Has anyone implemented an oriented maximal rectangle in FME?  I'm looking for the largest rectangle that can fit within a polygon.

2 replies

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This is more a geometric mathematical problem.



Bruteforce types just itterate over all the possibility down to a certain resolution/accuracy.


One way would be to extract the overal skeleton midline and have a centrpoint travle along it, calculate circel interceptpoints and if there are 4 intercepts, calculate the area.


Another way would create a grid to a certain resolution and look for largest amount of griblocks covering the area whilst being a square as a total.



Finding the exact amximum on a arbitrary polygon however is a tad more complex.


Type in your question and check out the possibilities posed. Better polish up your math though...;)


There are a lot of papers you can download on this issue.


Badge +22
I've looked at the "empty rectangle" alogorithms, but they produce an axis aligned rectangle, which is not what I'm trying to get.
