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Dear All,




While importing 3DS/colada format Lod3 building data to ESRI FILEGDB (Multi patch feature class) using FME.


We are getting building without texture in File GDB. Not showing any errors in import process.


While inspecting this data in  ‘Data Inspector’ 3DS/colada files are with texture info But imported FILEGDB (Multi patch feature class) without texture.






1.       Is FME having provision to import along with texture ?




2.       If so shell we get mapping for 3DS/colada to FILEGDB (Multi patch feature class)?






From the FME Desktop Readers & Writers documentation for ESRI FILE GDB






geodb_type: geodb_multipatch




Features with this value consist of a 3D geometry, used to represent the outer surface of features which occupy a discrete area or volume in three-dimensional space. Geodatabases directly support 3D polygonal faces, triangle fans, triangle patches and triangle strips. By definition, the surfaces which compose a multipatch do not need to be connected. This value is used by both the reader and the writer.




Multipatches support appearances, but only one appearance per surface is supported. For two-sided surfaces, the writer will favor non-default appearances with textures, with the front side taking precedence over the back side. If this behavior is not desired, the writer can be forced to choose the front side by using the AppearanceRemover transformer in FME Workbench to remove all back appearances.




For writing, all 3D geometry types are supported. Any types of 3D geometry which are not directly supported in a geodatabase (e.g., solids) are decomposed into a set of 3D polygonal faces prior to writing.




Have you tried using the AppearanceSetter transformer when writing from Collada to File GDB feature class?




Happy FME-ing :-)






