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After upgrading from FME 2012 to FME 2013 SP1 my workbench now gets the following error at the very end of translation:



Illegal operator `A test evaluator was given an invalid test index for evaluation.' supplied for use in TestFactory -- operator must be one of < > <= >= != = ==



The strange thing is that the translation still completes and writes the output as normal even though I get 'Translation FAILED.'



I've narrowed the problem down by disabling transformers one at a time to a single 2DPointReplacer transformer. It's very strange because its of of about 50 2DPointReplacer transformers in my workbench and they all do they exact same thing. Any Ideas?









that is indeed strange. My suggestion is to delete the transformer in question and then re-create it from scratch. If that doesn't help, I'd send the workspace to Safe for analysis.



as u have 50 2DPR's, you have an input attribute value that does not solely consist of an double.It must be fed to the 2DPR u singled out.



A bit of code where a text is encountered instead of a double/integer will interpret the text as being a variable/paramater and in that case it thinks the =


like x = "5" rather then x =5, must be a comparison, wich of course in tcl is x == "5". ( or !=, <> etc.)




I get this error in different "omissions" on my part when building tcl codes in FME.



therefore i think its in the data u feed the transformer.


Thanks guys I solved the problem. This was a hard one to figure out because the error does not give any clue as to which transformer is causing the problem. The problem was not with the 2DPR but rather a Tester transformer way further down the line that had the composite test expression of "1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4" even though I had removed the 3rd and 4th expression from the test clauses leaving them blank.
