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I have built a custom transformer. Now I am looking for a way to share it with my colleagues, without having to actually sending them te file. Ideally, I’d have them show up like all other HUB-transformers like this:

However, as the trasformer contains private information, I connot actually upload it to the hub. Is there a solution, for example through FME Server, where I can get my custom transformer show in this list, only for my colleagues?

You can set up a Shared FME Folder on your network (see Tools → FME Options → Default Paths) and place the .fmx file there. Your colleagues then also need to speficy that same folder. Any custom transformers placed there will only be available to people who have access to that network share.

Publishing to FME Flow / Server is an option too, but then they’d have to explicitly download it themselves and it won’t show up in the Quick Add until they’ve done so.

You can set up a Shared FME Folder on your network (see Tools → FME Options → Default Paths) and place the .fmx file there. Your colleagues then also need to speficy that same folder. Any custom transformers placed there will only be available to people who have access to that network share.

Publishing to FME Flow / Server is an option too, but then they’d have to explicitly download it themselves and it won’t show up in the Quick Add until they’ve done so.

Awesome explanation!
