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How to send files from 1 workspace to another

  • 11 February 2013
  • 5 replies

I have a scenario with 3 chained workspaces on FME Desktop. Ie the user starts workspace 1, which starts workspace 2, which starts workspace 3. Workspace3 uses data (from a large textfile) that is generated in workspace.



At the end the user gets some files created in workspace 2 (PDF and TXT) and some files generated in workspace 3 (TIF).



When I try to port this to FMEServer I struggle to send links to the files to download between multiple workspaces. Any workaround to this issue? I can not make 1 workspace instead of 3, due to the fact that I have to process completely different based on the writing to PDF / TXT from workspace 2.

5 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +13
Have you tried what I call the "Dave" method - after Dave Campans who came with it?



Although I think I understand the problem - you want it all packaged up in one zip file for the file download?
Userlevel 1
Badge +24
Hi Ken!



Thanks for the swift reply. Although I though I have watched all the FMEPedia-articles I havent looked at this one. After looking at it shortly it might help me in the right direction.



A comment to your last paragraph - to clear my goal: There is a mylonglogfile.txt generated when Workspace2 is finished. I want to READ this (by using the AttributeFileReader) in Workspace3. Is this more clear?



A simplified approach would be:







-AttributeCreator(myParam='hello from WS1')


-AttributeFileWriter(myParam, to file mylonglogfile_TODAYSDATEANDTIME_UNIQUE.txt)











-CustomTransformerToAddText(replace 'hello from WS1' with "hello from WS2')


-WRITER (mylonglogfile_TODAYSDATEANDTIME_UNIQUE.txt) and send link to user
Userlevel 1
Badge +24
@KenAtSafe Would be nice to have som very complex FMEServer examples on todays and tomorrows Webinar!
I've had success with the "Dave" method (thanks Dave) but it is a nasty thing to manage, trace errors, etc.  A more elegant method would be much appreciated.



I've found the Recorder and Player transformers useful to pass data between workspaces after the initial read.  I hope that helps.
Userlevel 1
Badge +24
Thanks Andy!
