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Good morning.


I'm putting together a workspace to transform a Revit file into Cesium 3D tiles. Overall, it is a pretty straightforward process, but I'm facing an issue with the elevation.


The building stored in the Cesium 3D tiles is floating, so I need to offset the Z to put it in floor level over a 2D basemap. I've been using the Offsetter transformer with lots of trial and errors until getting it right, but I would like to know if there is a better way.


So the question is: Is it possible with FME to make that "elevation removal" automatic?

Hi @oscard​ ,

If you have floating features you can use an ElevationExtractor (1 in the image)or BoundsExtractor (2 in the image) to get the z value, then set the Offset Z value to negative @Value(_elevation) or @Value(_zmin). This extract the elevation to an attribute (either _elevation or _zmin depending on the transformer you use) which can then be used to offset in the Offsetter. 2021-02-02_14-13-54

Hi @oscard​ ,

If you have floating features you can use an ElevationExtractor (1 in the image)or BoundsExtractor (2 in the image) to get the z value, then set the Offset Z value to negative @Value(_elevation) or @Value(_zmin). This extract the elevation to an attribute (either _elevation or _zmin depending on the transformer you use) which can then be used to offset in the Offsetter. 2021-02-02_14-13-54

Hi! Thanks for the answer!

That worked.


I have to aggregate the geometries first and then apply the ElevationExtractor, otherwise all the buildings floors are pushed to the ground.
