I'm using an ArcGIS Feature reader to read a layer with two tables. The two tables have 9257 and 9606 rows. After reading the two tables, I join them. At this point (with feature caching) I can see that I have 9606 rows. This is correct. The last step of the workspace is to use an ArcGIS Feature writer to populate a different layer.
The ArcGIS Feature Writer has the following Parameters for Layer:
Writer Mode: Insert
Truncate First: Yes
Currently, my destination Feature layer has 10584 rows. How could this be? How can I exceed the number of rows in my source layer? I just ran the workspace up to the Writer and can see 9606 items going into the Feature Writer. then, I ran the entire workspace and the destination layer now has 9752 rows. I'm perplexed. This is a public facing dashboard and I need accuracy.
I do run this workspace from a batch file and schedule it to run at 3:00 AM with Windows Task Scheduler. I'm not sure if that matters.
Any ideas? I suspect that the destination layer is not being truncated before inserting new rows.
Update: Two minutes after posting, I refreshed the web page showing data for the destination layer and now I have 11606 rows! I must be doing something wrong.