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I have two Oracle tables: POINTS_TABLE and LINES_TABLE. I’m trying to export both tables to DGN.  I’m using “Bentley MicroStation Desing (V8)” writer. In writer parameters, I filled out “Cell library file”, and now I’m trying to do something to fill “CellName”. How should I do it, to have different “CellName” value for POINTS_TABLE and for LINES_TABLE in my output dgn file?

I am not super familiar with this but I think you are looking for the igds_cell_name attribute, it is under the Format Attributes on the writer. You could create that attribute earlier in your workspace before sending it to the writer. You could use a conditional value to define the values for that new attribute.

Thanks for Your reply.

How can I do that? I’ve created AttributeCreator (which adds igds_cell_name attribute to my dataset) and I’ve ticked igds_cell_name in Format Attributes Tab of DGN Writer.

But in the result dgn file, CellName attribute is still empty. Should I change something else?



DGN Writer:




I am not sure why that is not working for you, what you did looks correct to me, sorry.

Finally, I found the solution. It can be done using DGNStyler. DGNStyler should have Cell Library File value. When we click … button on Cell Name field, we will see available values of CellName.  



