What you could do is use a Spatial Relator with the point being hte requestor the polys being the supplier. You can configure the transformer to generate a list on the output (which will contain the polygon id and level). Then sort the list using a ListSorter so the max level is element 0. Then you can use that value in a FeatureMerger to grab the correct polygon
What you could do is use a Spatial Relator with the point being hte requestor the polys being the supplier. You can configure the transformer to generate a list on the output (which will contain the polygon id and level). Then sort the list using a ListSorter so the max level is element 0. Then you can use that value in a FeatureMerger to grab the correct polygon
@hkingsbury Can you clarify as I’m not getting the expected results
I attach screen shots of workspace and transformers also attach the workspace
SpatialRelator see pic
List Name _max_adm
Selected attributes level + id: Is there any other settings here?
List Attributes _max_adm{}.adm_level
Sort Type: Numeric
Sort Order: Descending
If I understand correctly this should give the maximum level at position 0?
Requestor is output from ListSorter osm_id
Supplier is from original Polygon table _max_adm{0}.osm_id
I also tried this with the table id column, didn’t make a difference
My test data has 45 points all of these are coming out of FeatureMerger as Unused Supplier
To reduce the point data I’ve used a WHERE clause I’m unable to this on the polygon data without adding another FME spatial transformer
Am I missing something?