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I have a workbench that generates polygons from points. It fails at one polygon since some of points for that polygon are self-intersecting. The error is " The error message from ArcObjects is: {Linestring or poly boundary is self-intersecting}". Is there a way to pre-test or filter those points?  I would hope to by-pass generating  this polygon and continue the run.






Assuming you are using FME 2013 the geometry validator can repair this type of errors.
I am using FME 2012. Look like I can use GeometryOGCValidator to filter out those points. Seems to me most of those self-intersecting errors were just tolerance issue and I have no problem create a polygon from them using ArcGIS desktop.
Hi Allen,



In my experiences, ArcGIS seems to be relatively lenient to self-intersections except when performing geoprocessing. So, if you need to perform some geoprocessings, I think you should check or repair geometries with an appropriate tool like FME or ArcToolbox beforehand.



