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I have a problem with detecting intersections between polygons. I have 2 sets of polygons and they have intersection between each other. For example we have 1 pair from 1 and 2 set that must intersects.

But programm says that only circle 1 intersects polygon 1 and polygon 2 and circle don't!

That is my workspace:

What is wrong with my settings and what should i do to detect every intersection?

I'm not sure but I think the SpatialFilter stops after finding the first match. If you try it with a SpatialRelator instead you'll get a list of all matching candidates.

Hi @markyandex, is there a geometry difference between the circles? how does FME 'see' the geometry of the 2 features?

Ok now it detects intersections but the next problem is attributes: for 1 requestor only 1 supplier, but the total amout of intersections is 2 for each Circle, what's wrong? I want to see comparison like Circle 1 intersects Polygon 1 and Polygon 2 and Circle 2 intersects Polygon 1 and Polygon 2, but now only Circle 1 intersects Polygon 1 and Circle 2 intersects Polygon 1.

You may want to test switching the Candidate and Filter inputs.

You may want to test switching the Candidate and Filter inputs.

I didi it and now it shows that Cicrle 1 have 2 intersects and Circle 2 don't have any.



Hi @markyandex, is there a geometry difference between the circles? how does FME 'see' the geometry of the 2 features?

I'm not sure i understood your question. Every object has its coords and unique attributes.

I'm not sure but I think the SpatialFilter stops after finding the first match. If you try it with a SpatialRelator instead you'll get a list of all matching candidates.


Sorry missclicked. Answer to you below.

the 1 to many relationship is reflected in the list generated by the spatial relator, see the help on the transformer for more information

Ok guys i reached my task. This helps me!topic/fmetalk/c_SjMXlURng but it's strange that i dont have some tests to perform (for example overlap) in my spatialrelator, so i used downloaded workspace to solve my problem.
