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how do I load spatial data to OGDI for our open data catalogue?

  • 28 February 2013
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone,


I'm successful when loading CSV data to OGDI to populate our open data catalogue, but I can't get spatial data to load.


I get an error "The property value is larger than allowed by the Table Service." when trying to load our town boundary.


I know I'm doing something wrong, could someone talk with me about how to load spatial data to OGDI?


I've trying to simply read a boundary feature class and write directly to the OGDI writer, specifying "ogdi_area" as a constant value for the ogdi_type attribute.  But no difference.






2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +13


My guess is that the value of the spatial data is too large to load to the destination table, I would try and find what are the allowed lenghts and adjust the spatial data.


Hope this helps
Userlevel 5
Badge +13

Hi Banffgis,



I spoke with the dev team about this and they are tracking this issue and are looking to make a more friendly error (at the least) very soon.



Issue is that there are some hard geometry size limits, from what I understand.  I believe there is a geometry limit (900 vertices) as well as overall request limit (1MB). 



One potential solution is to Generalize the geometries before sending them up, Chopper-ing to break big things into small ones, and failing that, ensuring that none of your other attributes are too big (maybe try removing some columns from your output table.)



We'll be working to make the situation easier to diagnose, and/or take some automatic steps to workaround it (with a license to modify original data), in a future FME release. Good luck and keep in touch with our support folks on your progress. For reference, our internal PR# for this is 40074.
