
How do I add Multiple Values on a line to one total value?

  • 26 April 2023
  • 2 replies

I have a network of (electricity) lines (306 in total) and with Neigbourhoudfinder i determined what line is collest for all 800 proporties in a small village. It gave me and x and y coordinate on the line. Now I want to determine a total value per line (values of all properties that have an x and y coordinate) on the line. How can i achieve this?

2 replies

Use a statistics calculator grouped by the ID of each line. In the transformer, choose attribute which has the value you want to sum as the attribute to analyse and select "Sum". The output will be a row per line grouping with no geometry.


Other ways of achieving this include the Aggregator with a similar Group By and a Attributes to Sum set to the value you want summed but this will affect your geometries.

Hello Bi, thank you for your answer. With the Statistics calculator i managed to add the values per line. Only thing left know is to try to figure out how to determine the flow to the transformation station.
