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I often use 2d regions in AutoCAD to create polygons, sometimes
multi-part, sometimes with donut holes, sometimes both, but I haven't
been able to get these to translate to shp or gdb.

FME sees Acad
regions as surfaces and translates them to surfaces, but if I redirect
the output to a polygon feature class, they translate as complex
multi-faceted polygons.

I'd also love to be able to translate a
polygon feature class to Acad regions, keeping any donut holes and
multi-part polygons intact.

Our data goes back and forth quite a
bit, so I'm looking for something that's heavily automated and won't
require a dozen separate steps to complete. Ideally, I'd love to be able
to just throw an FME workspace together to get the desired results.


I have not work on 2D regions, so it possible to upload sample file? Suc that I can give a try...



Acad 2 SHape : SurfaceFootprintReplacer

Shape polygon 2 Acad region: FaceReplacer

(deaggregate to prevent fme writing Multi-parts to a BLock reference in latter case)


Regions are surfaces afaik, so it stands to reason?

That's why you can apply boolean functions to them in Auocad.

To get them to go to polygons you need to apply the


Then you can write them as shape polygon.

To create region from polygon use FaceReplacer.


In latter case you need to deaggregate muti-part objects, else fme will cause them to go into a block reference.
