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How can I read everything from File GDB except one feature type ?

  • 5 June 2022
  • 6 replies

I am reading some feature types from File GDB as "Single merged Feature Type". One of these feature types while reading is giving me an error saying "Read feature (or portion thereof if SPLIT_AT_ARCS is YES) from the feature class 'xxxyyy' that contains only zero length segments...." How can I read all feature types but ignore this one which is causing error or maybe any Idea how to solve the error problem ? p.s. In different Databases there can be different feature types thats why I am always reading everything but trying to exclude one which name is always the same. Any Idea ?

6 replies


Hi @gisgis​ does this error cause the workspace to fail when reading in the data? Is there more to the error message?

Badge +1

Hi @gisgis​ does this error cause the workspace to fail when reading in the data? Is there more to the error message?

this is all I am getting as an error message and yes it causes translation fail

Badge +1

A couple years late to this but I am having the same issue and can’t figure out how to resolve it. Same script previously worked on an install with ArcMap 10.* 
Now moved to a machine with ArcGIS Pro, is that the issue? How to solve this?

Badge +24

Is your error message exacly the same? Which GDB reader did you use [Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb) or Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb Open API)]? Are other GDB files working?

Is the data in your GDB writen with ArcGIS Pro 2.x or 3.x? Or untouched, so still ArcMap?

Badge +1

Data in the GDB is untouched, was written by ArcMap. I used [Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb) for the reader. All the data I am reading is in various GDBs. I switched the read order to test out if other GDBs worked and none seem to. Whatever one is read first gives the warning and then translation fail.


I should test the Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb Open API)], good thinking!

Badge +24

Maybe look at this setting:

or here:

