Hi @quangu,
The workflow seems quite simple, so it would be great if we could look at the data. If you don't want to share it publicly, you can send me a download link at dave.campanas@safe.com, or create a support case at https://community.safe.com/s/submit-case
Thank you for your help! I tried and it didn't work for me. When I export it to ArcGIS Pro, a warning message show up "Scene layer is missing statistical information. Changing symbology or defining queries depend on statistics." When I moved to another location all the object disappeared. Any ideas? Maybe it's slpk writer or the geometry of the object.

@daveatsafe we have the same issue with exporting some FBX files to i3S. We have a library of about 75 different objects that make up a concert arena (outdoor). With a csv that has all the orientation parameters we put the FBX objects in the right location.
None of the objects has statistics calculated for it.
If we look at some random other SLPK from another Arcgis PRO project we see statistics:
I see no options for adding the statistics with FME. Perhaps somebody knows how to add these. Could be in Arcgis PRO. No problem.
As off now most of the objects 'sometimes' show up in the scene. The biggest main stage never shows up. Performance is slightly better in Arcgis PRO than in acrgis online.

@daveatsafe Did this progress any further through another channel?
I've encountered this issue multiple times in the past and it seems like the FME SLPK writer is basically broken - at least for 3D objects (I've not tested with terrain meshes). It creates an SLPK file but the internal Node structure within the file (when unzipped) is missing all nodes apart from node0. Not only does this cause Arcgis Pro throw up errors as mentioned above but if you were to upload the FME generated SLPK to AGOL, the performance of the resulting scene layer will be super flaky as the missing nodes are needed for the ARGIS JS API to efficiently load the 3D objects into the renderer. This can be proven by writing the same 3D data to a geodb and splk from FME and then using ArcGIS pro to convert the geodb to an slpk - you'll find the internal node structure of the 2 slpks to be very different, with the one generated from pro containing the correct hierarchy of node folders.
@daveatsafe Did this progress any further through another channel?
I've encountered this issue multiple times in the past and it seems like the FME SLPK writer is basically broken - at least for 3D objects (I've not tested with terrain meshes). It creates an SLPK file but the internal Node structure within the file (when unzipped) is missing all nodes apart from node0. Not only does this cause Arcgis Pro throw up errors as mentioned above but if you were to upload the FME generated SLPK to AGOL, the performance of the resulting scene layer will be super flaky as the missing nodes are needed for the ARGIS JS API to efficiently load the 3D objects into the renderer. This can be proven by writing the same 3D data to a geodb and splk from FME and then using ArcGIS pro to convert the geodb to an slpk - you'll find the internal node structure of the 2 slpks to be very different, with the one generated from pro containing the correct hierarchy of node folders.
Hi @tim.rastall1,
Would you mind creating a support case at https://community.safe.com/s/submit-case? If you include a copy of your workspace and some sample data, it will help us fix this issue for you.
Hi @tim.rastall1,
Would you mind creating a support case at https://community.safe.com/s/submit-case? If you include a copy of your workspace and some sample data, it will help us fix this issue for you.
Hi Dave,
Sorry for the slow reply. Just posted a support case with workspace and sample data. Dug a bit further into it as a result and there are definitely big differences in the way that ArcGIS Pro and FME write out slpk files using the same input data. Looks like FME may be calculating the LOD thresholds incorrectly.
Case: C681218 (safe.com)
Hi @tim.rastall1,
Would you mind creating a support case at https://community.safe.com/s/submit-case? If you include a copy of your workspace and some sample data, it will help us fix this issue for you.
Hi @daveatsafe ,
We would really like to remove the manual step of going through ArcgisPro (gdb to slpk). A workaround on desktop could be to call the esri tool in a pythoncaller and translate the geodatabase to slpk without opening PRO. But that won't work on FME Cloud since that has no esri license on it.
Opening the support case page just gives me an error so I'm not fully aware of the status.
Hi @tim.rastall1,
Would you mind creating a support case at https://community.safe.com/s/submit-case? If you include a copy of your workspace and some sample data, it will help us fix this issue for you.
What happened to this case? The link doesn't work and I can't find the case on the website😒.
@daveatsafe @tim.rastall1
Is there any update to this case @daveatsafe @tim.rastall1 @fdw?
I did try it with the i3s_terrain_mesh geometry and it seems the nodes are missing even though the file size is about 2GB (as previously mentioned in this post).
Anyone found any workarounds or anything further with this issue??
Hello @afod, thanks for checking on the issue! Please to report this issue has been resolved in FME Form 2024.0 build 23323+, the I3S Writer will now calculate statistics on the output. You can find the installers on the FME Downloads Page. Happy to help, Kailin.