Dear,colleagues. @ebygomm @nielsgerrits @david_r please help me with a .json file (reading, converting, and writing it). So the details:
1 - I have extract the names of the main folders
2 - then I have a .json file
with on this data, I need to create new .json files(for each folder its own .json file) like this:
But I faced a problem, when i use only JsonReader-->JsonWriter scheme, I don't get the same information, that I have load into the reader.
Here it is:
"json_featuretype" : "JSONFeature",
"asset.version" : "1.0",
"asset.gltfUpAxis" : "Y",
"geometricError" : 2965.78693548994,
"root.boundingVolume.sphere" : [ 2868547.6520227, 2203510.77120992, 5235902.65137633, 1482.89346774497 ],
"root.refine" : "REPLACE",
"root.geometricError" : 2965.786935489938
Please do not pass by and help me to figure out what's wrong and how could i solve this problem!
PS I have attached archive with data, maybe someone can figure out))))