Im fairly new to FME, I have a programming background, and I was hoping to bring those skill here, but i can see is not fully the same. So I apologize before hand 😂
I have a custom transformer that does a API calls and loops until it finds “last-batch” set to true from the Header area.
For Reference Here is the custom transformer:

The first call uses uses the InitialHTTPCaller, which uses the the request url and access token from the main workbench. Here is a screen cap:

The _response_header list will have the variables I need to determine if the its the last-batch = true and the next batch url.

The JSONFragmenter, is exposing the values for _response_header{5}.value,_response_header{6}.value.
I have a tester that checks if _response_header(5) is true to go the pass else it will fail and will go to Output and call upon the Loop to the NextPage.
When the NextHTTPCaller gets called it will be using the User Parameter named NextUrl of which im setting it with the @Value(_response_header{6}.value). This is the actual full url to call the next batch.
The looping portion seems to work properly, because i get all the loops going. i added some loggers to see if the that flag last-batch actually comes back at least once the True value and it does.
My issue is that i dont understand why if its true it should go the output and call it good, but its not. I have also tried to put a tester before the NextHTTPCaller to check if the $(NextUrl) is true, but it does not seem to be set to true. I have also tried the Variable Setter and it JUST does not set it properly. Honestly I believe im not setting it properly.