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Hi I'm using FME 2022.2.5 it crashes at the start and before loading the main window, sometimes it happens when I enable/disable cache.

the issue with Qt6Sql_fme.dll ! appcrash event in the the log file.. anyone with helpful tips

 it does start after 5-6 tries.

this log is from the start up crash


Felet uppstod i programmet med namn: fmeworkbench.exe, version 2022.7.45.22795, tidsstämpel 0x6424fcdc

, felet uppstod i modulen med namn: Qt6Sql_fme.dll, version, tidsstämpel 0x6254adba

Undantagskod: 0xc0000005

Felförskjutning: 0x000000000000edbf

Process-ID: 0x7968

Programmets starttid: 0x01d98ca438014579

Sökväg till program: C:\\Program Files\\FME\\fmeworkbench.exe

Sökväg till modul: C:\\Program Files\\FME\\Qt6Sql_fme.dll

Rapport-ID: 4320bc12-2030-4046-b3b8-63e036810fb4

Fullständigt namn på felaktigt paket: 

Program-ID relativt till felaktigt paket: 


Fel-bucket 0, typ 4

Händelsenamn: APPCRASH

Svar: Inte tillgänglig

Kabinett-ID: 0



P1: fmeworkbench.exe

P2: 2022.7.45.22795

P3: 6424fcdc

P4: Qt6Sql_fme.dll


P6: 6254adba

P7: c0000005

P8: 000000000000edbf



i updated FME to 22800 but still same problem now it doesn't start at all

i updated FME to 22800 but still same problem now it doesn't start at all

Hi @ghattas111​, thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Please submit a case through this link. To your case, follow these instructions and attach the FMEreport.html as well.
