I have a solid geometry from a DGN I am trying to load into Oracle, which works, but the geometry then fails the validation. Using the GeometryValidator transformer it tells me that there is an InvalidSolidBoundary although I am unable to fix it. So i have tried using various transfomers to decompose so I can at least view (and possibly fix), but none of the below work (i.e. I get 1 output from 1 input):
- Deaggregator (the fme_geometry is fme_aggregate, while fme_type is solid)
- Chopper
- CoordinateExtractor
- MulitpleGeometrySetter (returns invalid despite it being an aggregate, tested using aggregatefilter first)
I am running FME Oracle Edition 2013 SP3, anyone got any ideas? On a related note, is there a definite list of which transformers accept 3D data as I ahven't been able to find anything...