Hi All,
This question stems from my previous question. I am choosing to ask another question as not to clutter that.
I have a network of Customer Points (CPs) and Transformers (TXs) connected via secondary electrical cables (both underground and overhead). I would like to find which CP is connected to which TX. Multiple CP's can be connected to a TX. I would like to export a table like the following:
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 2
4 2
My Approach: Thanks to @david_r
Topology Builder Transformer used to determine
topological relationships within the line network (secondary underground cable
and secondary overhead conductor)
Network Topology
Calculator to find connecting
lines and add Network_ID to line
Aggregate lines grouped by Network_ID
Using SpatialFilter,
find TX’s and CP’s that intersect with the same network and transfer TX id to
CP as an attribute to generate csv (Using Feature Merger)
great for isolated networks (Secondary Underground networks) shown in the image
Problem: When the network of underground and
overhead cables is input to topology builder, it is broken down based on any
intersection. There are segments that require the intersection between
underground and overhead cables to connect CPs to TXs. The image below (2) shows
two network clusters both services by different transformers. If only the
overhead or underground cables were input, some CP’s would lose connectivity to
their upstream TX. So, the previous
method works for these ones as well and it is important to input both types of
cable lines together.
But for network segments that criss-cross but are not
part of each other… that’s where the problem starts. Shown in the image below (3):
Here, the red lines correspond
to a network segment of underground cables that connect 7 CP’s to 1 TX. The
black lines correspond to a segment of overhead cables connecting 8 CP’s to
another TX. TopologyBuilder is breaking every bit of line that intersects and
when Aggregate is used, it aggregates this whole thing as one network segment.
MY QUESTION: Is there ANY WAY to separate underground
lines that only cross overhead lines but does not snap on? How would I go about
changing the workflow to include that exception? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!
The Workbench is attached