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Hi community,


I'm trying to find a neighbour for some polygons, then I'm dissolving the base with its candidate. Until here, everything works fine, I get the candidate and dissolve them, but I'm facing the issue that those polygons are multiparts and sometimes Neighbour Finder finds as candidate another multipart of the same father and when I dissolve them the multipart stills as it was before because for some cases the transformer finds the neighbour in a shared coordinate and that candidate has the same value in attribute X.



I considered to filter previously all features named as "A" for the example below, but "A" could be a valid candidate for other multiparts with another value different to "A", so I think that is not an option.



Thanks for your support!



Deaggregator should do the trick. It will create a feature per part.

Can you post your workspace, or at least a screenshot of it? I'm unsure in your images which is the Base and which is the Candidate, and which is supplying the group-by attribute in the Dissolver. But whatever way around I try it, I can't get the same result. If there is a common attribute, then all of the features get dissolved. If there is no common attribute, then no features get dissolved - which is your result, but it's because no attributes match.

So it would be really useful to see your workspace because I think there must be something else happening. But one other important question: how should FME know which part of A to dissolve? Is it because it is the smaller part?

Can you post your workspace, or at least a screenshot of it? I'm unsure in your images which is the Base and which is the Candidate, and which is supplying the group-by attribute in the Dissolver. But whatever way around I try it, I can't get the same result. If there is a common attribute, then all of the features get dissolved. If there is no common attribute, then no features get dissolved - which is your result, but it's because no attributes match.

So it would be really useful to see your workspace because I think there must be something else happening. But one other important question: how should FME know which part of A to dissolve? Is it because it is the smaller part?

Hi @mark2atsafe,


Below a screenshot of the workspace. About last question, yes I'm giving the smaller polygons as the base.

