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I'm trying to convert various features of an IFC file to OBJ files. I'm able to do the entire transformation up to the point where I save the OBJ files, but it seems that the coordinates are in a projected CRS, evident from the very large X and Y coordinates. I have tried using a CommonLocalReprojector transformer (with a FeatureHolder just before it to make sure the transformation is done relative to the entire feature set):

But the models appear stretched when I view them in Blender. Quite drastically. You can see that the doors are much taller than they should be, based on their width to height ratio:

The only geographic information I really have from this file is RefLongitude and RefLatitude. But like I said, the coordinates themselves appear as large X and Y values, at least after being read from FME


Does anyone have any idea on how I can fix this?

How does the data look like in FME Data Inspector
