I'm working with a JSON file that is a form configuration. Users complete the form through a company website and there are lots of conditional questions and picklists embedded within questions. It's a real nesting doll of data.
Our form system has gotten bloated so I am taking redundant forms and creating one normalized form, but first I need to break down the configuration of each form and represent it in a CSV format so I can easily see the flow of questions and their sub questions. So far I have been able to download the JSON file, add a reader and perform a couple transformations (reader > list_populator > attribute_keeper > list_exploder > list_builder) to isolate the overarching questions and organize each by an index number (the order which they appear in the form). In total there are 8 main branches of questions, but each of those has dozens of nested sub-layers that go deeper and deeper; many of which are long picklists.
From here, I want to be able to isolate each main-branch question and then basically flatten all the layers within that question branch to be able to write to CSV, but everything I try to do feels like a dead end.