Hello All,
I have excel spreadsheet that contains attributes like
O: from 105 to 160
O: from U to S on 117
O: from U to S on 135
O: from S to U on 144
P: from 101 to 111OT
O: from U to S on 146BD
I want to create two new attributes (Columns) that contain middle part of the string (105 or U to S or S to U) and end of a string (160 or 111OT or 146BD) in two different excel columns (Attributes).
I am facing two challenges. I used stringsearcher that extracts the last number of trackcomments but missing if there is any alpha character and the second stringsearcher just extracts if it is U to S or S to U but it is missing if the middle part has a number. Please see the attached screenshot. I would appreciate the help.