
Extract roof height and building footprint polygon from 3D data

  • 18 November 2019
  • 3 replies


I have a dataset with 3D buildings like this:

The dataset is a gdb-file (geode-multipatch) with aggregate geometries.

I need to extract the roof height for each part of the building (meaning one building gets multiple height values for each part – e.g. the second building from left in the front row in the screenshot should have a different value for its tower). The height should then be a attribute for the below mentioned polygon.

And I also need to extract the footprint as polygon shape for these building parts. How could I achieve this?

3 replies

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Hi @oiram Use the BoundsExtractor to find max-min z. Use the SurfaceFootprintReplacer to find the Footprint.


Hi @oiram Use the BoundsExtractor to find max-min z. Use the SurfaceFootprintReplacer to find the Footprint.

Thanks for pointing me to these transformers!

Hi @oiram Use the BoundsExtractor to find max-min z. Use the SurfaceFootprintReplacer to find the Footprint.


can I use the same transformer "BoundsExtractor" to find heights in raster GEOTIFF, which includes floors and buildings as shown in the figure:
