A colleague is making maps in QGIS and is using an Open Street Map WMS layer to provide the background mapping. However, the exported map does not match what is displayed in the QGIS project. It appears to be a different zoom and the labels are hard to read.
I'm looking at using FME to export the area of interest to a raster file. I'm using the WMS reader as my input and set a search envelope. But the exported image is not at the required zoom level.
Is it possible to change this behaviour?
If required, the WMS feed I am using is https://ows.terrestris.de/osm/service? and the layer is OSM-WMS
The bounds are:
Min x: -59.9741977894788221
Min y: -14.7534977323780918
Max x: -54.6051733096797207
Max y: -11.1201081643435327
EPSG 4326
FME version: 2020.0.2.1 (20200511 - Build 20238 - WIN64)
Many thanks.