
Emailer attachment fails with 'Message size exceeds limit' error

  • 2 August 2022
  • 1 reply

Badge +8

I have a workspace that writes a simple CSV file a little over 10 MB in size using a FeatureWriter. I then use an Emailer to send the file to myself but receive a 'Message size exceeds limit' error. (Error wording is - Emailer: SMTPSenderRefused: Could not complete request. Message: (552, b'5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit', '')) Is this limit imposed by the Emailer transformer itself? I can email the file to myself as an attachment manually without issue so I don't think it's our company email server. Wondering how I can overcome this issue. Running FME Desktop 2020.1.2.1 (Build 20624).





1 reply

Badge +8

The solution that worked for me was to zip the CSV to make it smaller. Info here.
