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Hi All,



Our 'all school boundaries' file can be dissolved into Elem, Mid, and High boundaries on the boundary number (elem_num) and/or boundary name (elem_name)



Using the ArcGIS Dissolver, I can dissolve with the 'create multi-part features' option, and I can accurately create the grade-level boundaries - even those with multiple parts that are then treated as one feature.



But with the FME dissolver, it actually breaks up features that were originally multi-part, and creates two features from them, and I can't create multi-part features.



I've tried dissolving by 1 field (elem_num), and 2 fields (elem_num, elem_name), and I get the same result - two features created from an original multi-part feature, and no multi-part features created.



I've also tried the aggregator, but I keep getting errors about intersecting edges, which I cannot find - but maybe that is the correct transformer to use?



Thank you!






could you perhaps post some screen dumps that could help explain your question?



The dissolver automaticaly deaggregates aggregates (multi-part-features). (the help states that) and dissolves only if there is some intersection betweenobjects. You can use group by to elem_num/elem_name


If you want to aggregate them, use aggregator (geometry assembly) and again same GroupBy attribute.
Gio - thank you - I used an aggregator after the dissolver, using the same fields in both 'group by' parameters, and it works great!!! Thank you!



