I am confused a little bit about Tester
So I have two questions about tester :
At first :i have attribute and I want to write for the same attribute around 15 field ,if contains then pass .
As example same attribute ,if contains v ,passed .
So I have to write 15 times for same attribute , and it is too much ,is there easy way to give tester once a time to pass .if conditions occur .
Second Question :
I have around 100 field ,in Attribute named building ,I want From tester to check if Name includes as example sam , then pass with another attributes but I does not want to change the name of building every time from the parameter inside tester , I have too many names for building and I want to do excel file out my workspace but as input file inside my code and I change everytime in excel file ,the name of building that I want to pass with another attributes then I got my result only include this building name and another Attributes.
Thanks in advance