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Distance or intersection between 3D objects

  • February 27, 2025
  • 2 replies


I was trying to compute the distance between a TINSurface and some horizontal polygons (which have a z value, but they are horizontal). I have been trying multiple things to try and get the distance between this two objects. I am kind of surprised that there is not a given transformer to compute the distance or the intersection between 2 given 3d polygons. Maybe a TINSurface is a little complex, but the triangles that compose them should not be complicated.

I am a programmer and I think I can program a solution to this problem in a PythonCaller transformer, but I am really surprised there is not a simple answer for this.

So if someone knows the answer to this I would appreciate it. If not I think I’ll be forced to program it myself.

2 replies


I found a solution using the Extruder with a very small value (like 0.001 m) and then using that as a Clipper. 

  • Contributor
  • February 28, 2025

Hello ​@miguelaugusto17 , I think if you use a GeometryExtractor to keep your Tinsurface, and convert it as a Pointcloud, with the PointCloudCombiner you will get the z value of 3D points. You can reorganise in a grid of points if you want.  And you can extract in parrallel the z value of your horizontal polygon, then calculate with ExpressionEvaluator : Z_tinsurface - Z_polygon.

If you want again the geometry of your TinSurface you can use GeometryReplacer.

I think for these kind of process it’s easier to play with 3D points.


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