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Hello Safe Software,

The functionality to disable transformers in FME Workbench is a very useful functionality that I use quite often in the iterative stages of workspace development/authoring.

But as of now when a transformer is disabled in a workspace in FME Workbench, FME features do not pass beyond the disabled transformer.

Can Safe Software look at adding the ability in FME Workbench to let FME features pass through a disabled transformer. In other words, the transformer though still in the data flow but since made inactive (disabled) should simply let FME features to pass through without any manipulation it is actually expected to perform on the FME features entering it.



Personaly i find that suggestion not preferable.


You can just bypass the transformer with a temp connection, suits me wel.



If a disabeld transformer would let features pass, then Safe would have to add a block features option in case u dont want em to pass.

I think the ability to temporarily disable a transformer without blocking the flow of features would be very useful when building a workspace and testing options and also when troubleshooting. Right now, with adding additional temporary connections to by-pass a transformer can become complicated/messy or get forgotten. An option to temporarily turn off the functionality of a transformer would be a very good option.

I agree, + 1 vote for flow through of disabled transformers. Maybe a FME wide project option?
