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Hi All,


I'm looking for advice on how to share/deliver a workspace to another organisation which has a dependency on a linked CustomTransformer and CustomFormat.


It's pretty easy in FME Server, just pack it up in to an FME Server project, however, with Desktop the user must first install the dependencies before even opening up the workspace.


I'm curious to see how others have approached this task. I know Safe are working on packages, however, they aren't here yet (at least not with FME 2020)




We'll often embed any linked custom transformers we send to clients, unless we manage their FME environment in which case it will be setup to have correctly configured shared resources across the desktop/server environments.


Never had to deliver a custom format so no luck there....

Could you store the binary in python and get that to check if the format is installed, if not install it...? Seems a bit overkill...
