Working "vertically" on FME is always not simply. I wrote a WB for You but it doesen't work dinamically. Let me know
Working "vertically" on FME is always not simply. I wrote a WB for You but it doesen't work dinamically. Let me know
Hi @cdalessandro. Thanks for your quick response!! It does not make any difference in the result so I´ll try to find other options. All suggestions/ideas are welcome :)
I have uploaded an example workspace that should help to get your desired output.

Hi @warrengis! I have modified the python according to my real attribute names and I get the error "Python Exception <SyntaxError>: can't assign to operator (<string>, line 8)"
I have no idea why that happens. My script looks like this and it is done following the same steps than in yours. Why does not it work?
I have to say that I have no idea how to use python so...
I hope somebody can help me.

This should let you select which attributes you want to remove blanks from
delete values python.fmw
This should let you select which attributes you want to remove blanks from
delete values python.fmw
Hi @ebygomm!
This works and I get what I need. Thanks a lot!!!
This should let you select which attributes you want to remove blanks from
delete values python.fmw
Hi @ebygomm, I sent you a dm, but in case you didn’t see it, and see this first, could you please repost your delete values python.fmw I can’t seem to download it.
(Or, if someone else sees this and has it could they please share it.)
Many thanks