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I'm trying to process MODIS data that is provided in the Sinusoidal projection. The World Sinusoidal projection that is provided in FME Workbench doesn't seem to be the same, and I can't figure out how to set it for this data. I don't want to use GDAL to do it manually as there are quite a few hdf files.

After scouring the internet, there is a reference to the following proj4 string on StackExchange:

"+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=@null +wktext"

However, I'm unsure how to utilize this in FME. Is there any way to use a proj4 definition in FME Workbench?

Hi @minorsecond,

The FME transformer CoordinateSystemDescriptionConverter can convert from a proj4 string to an FME coordinate system for you. I am attaching a workspace illustrating how to use it to set the coordinate system of the input features.

