Hi folks,
I have some CAD files (dwg, dxf) that have custom line type information (so line types, the engineer defined by himself/herself.
I know that the DWG format has some attributes to be exposed that indicated a "DASHED" line etc.
I can read out lets say the linetype "FENCELINE" or any custom made linetype in an exposed attribute (I guess it is called "Autocad_resolved_linetype").
- problem: While the complex linetypes are defined in the "acad.lin" files, the custom linetypes a user can create are just visible in AutoCAD. Is there a way to display those custom/complex linetypes to get this automated somehow?
- problem: I know the "LinePatterner" helps creating the simple line types. But how can I created a complex line pattern? Something with circles or characters in between?
Many thanks if somebody can share his/her knowledge 😄