From the sample shown:
- Transform the Input into the required Attribute Name vs Value table using AttributeExploder
- Create the Summary version of this that counts the number of unique values for every Attribute Name with StatisticsCalculator (or InlineQuerier by using a Count(*) in the SELECT Statement with a GROUP BY Attribute Name, Attribute Value)
Hi @bwn,
StatisticsCalculator cant be used because of dynamic schema but Inline querier can be used.
Thank you
Hi @bwn,
StatisticsCalculator cant be used because of dynamic schema but Inline querier can be used.
Thank you
No problems. Noting, however, that the Output Port of AttributeExploder is a fixed Schema. There are only two Attributes output:
- _attr_name (Attribute Name)
- _attr_value (Attribute Value)
However, InlineQuerier is usually a bit quicker than StatisticsCalculator in any case, it just requires a bit more knowledge of SQL syntax. So if that is working for you, then use that.
Otherwise, StatisticsCalculator can be used without the need for writing SQL more comfortably, but with a performance penalty although I believe Safe is looking to accelerate its performance soon in within later versions of FME.